you have a hypotonic child, its the small things that count. Its not about the
big accomplishments, milestones go out the window. Its all about the
milistones, its all about the small things. For months I have been waiting for
Sam to crawl. When it dint happen by his first birthday, i was devastated and a
little bit of hope dissapeared. I have since tried to eliminate expectations,
not to say I dont hope and pray that he will walk one day (not tomorow, maybe
not in a year, but one day he will ) cause I pray every second of every day,
with every kiss and hug; I have just stopped putting him on a timeline and
started appreciating the small things. The new noises (no words yet), how he
engages with his environment, playing catch with me, laughing, how quick he can
put himself in sitting position when he wants to. He may have not learned any
new skills this week but he is getting better at some and this is what I hold
close to my heart... the small things...